- Code not working as intendedCode not working as intended
- Code not yet writtenCode not yet written
- Owner of codeOwner of code
- Pseudocode, etc.Pseudocode, etc.
- Explanation of codeExplanation of code
- No codeNo code
Don't know and own the code, Both owner of code and explanation of code link to the same answer in our close-reason meta thread. I also don't like the idea of separating these as I don't particularly wish for us to go on witch hunts to check out if it is someone else's code. It's also more than likely that if you're asking what the code does that you don't own it, otherwise you could read it yourself and after a while understand what it's doing.
This makes the close reason simple, does the asker say it's someone else's code or ask what it does.
Lacks reviewable code, all have a lack of code. None of pseudocode, stub code, hypothetical code or code not (yet) written have enough code to do a proper review. I'd also include the 'no code' close reason in this section too, it can fit quite well if we phrase it nicely, something like 'or if you forgot to include the code in the question.'
This would make the close reason simple, if there are no code blocks or if the code blocks are not 'real' code.
Code not working as intended, is our largest close reason, and so having it on its own will allow us to better explain to users what is wrong with their code. Currently our broken code reason confuses new usersbroken code reason confuses new users, so this gives us the option to change the entire close reason to fully and clearly explain what is wrong.
This will make the close reason simple as if you cannot compile or run the code, it produces incorrect results or it doesn't contain the features the asker wants then it does not work as intended. The same as before and as simple.