In February 2014, we rebooted weekend-challenge and created a code-challenge tag.
Here are some stats (as of 2014-03-02):
- First entry was posted on 2014-02-02 (14 votes, java)
- Last entry submitted in February was posted on 2014-02-24 (10 votes, actionscript-3)
- 8 entries were submitted during the month, by 7 users.
- 23 answers were posted - that makes it 2.875 answers per question ( 1.36 which, in my books, means the 2.875 is very representative).
- 4,107 views, or 513.375 per question ( 503.815 which means the data is quite scattered, ranges from 55 to 1,373)
- 11.125 average question score ( 2.642 which means most entries earned the participant a [badge:nice-question]).
Add to that @syb0rg's late entry posted 2014-03-04 (17 votes, c), with 1,206 views and 4 answers (13-8-3-1 votes), currently the top-voted code-challenge post, and then consider that @SimonAndréForsberg hasn't posted his already publicly playable game as of yet, we're looking at a very, very successful event that is positively affecting the site's overall stats.
April 2014
Let's do this again, shall we? Let's take all of March to decide what the next challenge should be (and to let other late entries get posted).
What should the next code-challenge be?
Note: it's the number of votes that determines the winner - downvotes don't count!
And the winner is...
2-player card fighting game (+15/-1)
Please tag questions/entries with game, code-challenge, as well as any other applicable tag(s).
For people that can't see the vote breakdown:
- Standard-Compliant Container Implementation (+14/-4)
- Puyo-Puyo (+12/0)
- Rock Paper Scissors AI (+7/0)