A few days ago, I asked for my first code review. Now I refactored the code and fixed some bugs, which I want to be reviewed to. But reading in the help center, changing code is a no-go:
Always keep the original code intact!
Reading further, I'm not sure if it's okay to edit it before someone has posted an answer:
Stack Exchange places great importance on answers, so we want to make sure they stay relevant with the question. This is why we ask you to please refrain from modifying the original code based on what has been addressed in answers. By modifying the code in such a way, it'll be harder to determine the merit of the answers, as well as easily seeing the original code that was reviewed.
I can totally understand why I shouldn't modify a question that others have already answered - but what if there are no answers?
At the moment, my question has 30 views, 2 upvotes, but (as I said) no answers and no comments.
Is it okay to edit it or should I create another question with the new code?