As of 2013-09-05, Area 51 stats for CodeReview are as follows:
Days in beta: 960.
Questions per day: 19.4. Healthy at 15, need work at 5. Check.
Answered Questions: 89%. Healthy at 90%. So we're anywhere between 88.5% and 89.4%: I'd love to see the actual decimals. I'm sure we can bring this metric up in no time.
Per StackExchange, Stack Overflow has it at 78%.
Avid Users: 859. Total Users: 26,655.
- 200+ rep: 859. Recommendation at 150. Check.
- 2,000+ rep: 34. Recommentation at 10. Check.
- 3,000+ rep: 18. Recommentation at 5. Check.
Answers per Question: 1.9. Healthy at 2.5. It's code review. I think this is where CR is fairly different from other QA sites: I find 1.9 is an excellent average in the context of code reviews. It means the average code review request gets at least one review, and odds are strong you'll even get two.
Visits per Day: 8,064
Healthy at 1,500, needs work at 500. CHECK!!(user count as of 2013-09-05, stats as of end-of-beta)
- Skeptics: 11k users.
- Q/Day: 5.7 | A: 90% | Users: 464/5698 | Visits: 3786 | A/Q: 1.7
- Theoretical Computer Science: 13k users.
- Q/Day: 7.4 | A: 92% | Users: 164/2432 | Visits: 1688 | A/Q: 2.8
- Travel: 6.8k users.
- Q/Day: 5.4 | A: 100% | Users: 427/3848 | Visits: 4306 | A/Q: 2.1
- Mathematica: 7.7k users.
- Q/Day: 12 | A: 96% | Users: 230/1708 | Visits: 1307 | A/Q: 2.2
- Science Fiction & Fantasy: 14k users.
- Q/Day: 8.2 | A: 96% | Users: 400/3375 | Visits: 1632 | A/Q: 2.3
- Role-Playing Games: 6.1k users.
- Q/Day: 3.4 | A: 100% | Users: 408/2725 | Visits: 1667 | A/Q: 3.5
- Photography: 15k users.
- Q/Day: 4.9 | A: 99% | Users: 162/1783 | Visits: 806 | A/Q: 3.6
- Mi Yodeya: 2.4k users.
- Q/Day: 6.6 | A: 97% | Users: 163/1072 | Visits: 758 | A/Q: 2.2
- Sharepoint: 14k users.
- Q/Day: 20.9 | A: 91% | Users: 171/2931 | Visits: 5071 | A/Q: 1.8
All have graduated, and all did so with one or more metric at or below "Ok".
I think we're more in the league of:
- WebMasters: 24k users.
- Q/day: 9.3 | Users: 125/2297 | Visits: 658 | A/Q: 3.0
- Game Development: 29k users.
- Q/day: 6.6 | Users: 166/2611 | Visits: 1180 | A/Q: 3.9
- Database Administrator: 22k users.
- Q/day: 8.9 | Users: 170/2652 | Visits: 2060 | A/Q: 2.2
- User Experience: 27k users.
- Q/day: 6.7 | Users: 452/8939 | Visits: 1465 | A/Q: 3.8
- WordPress Answers: 28k users.
- Q/day: 27.3 | Users: 118/3115 | Visits: 3463 | A/Q: 2.0
Clearly, having all metrics at "Excellent" is not a requirement for graduation (Photography graduated with a "needs work" Q/Day of 4.9; RPG did with Q/Day at 3.4!). So what the ?&@! is going on? CR has similar A/Q ratio (1.9) to WordPress at the end of beta (2.0), and better than Sharepoint (1.8) and Skeptics (1.7). CR has more questions per day than the average beta site (about 2x?), and many more daily visits than any other. The more you dig, the more you wonder why CR is still a beta site.
I already gave my answer to meta-question "Why is Code Review still in beta?", where I hinted that we should make t-shirts to promote the site... And I was serious about it (I'd actually pay for one!)
Looks like it's time for t-shirts... I envision a set of black-on-white or white-on-black tees with the CR logo in the middle, with a small witty phrase around it and the url at the bottom (the backs of all tees would be just the logo and the url).
Here's my take on it:
And of course the obligatory:
(of course this isn't really an appropriate topic. the idea however, is legitimate: CR is an amazing resource with huge potential, and letting it shut down would be a terrible loss, so let's do everything we can to make it bloom - including turning ourselves into walking ads! ...and then you could have mugs, keychains, usb keys, bumper stickers...)
Feel free to share your own :)