Please can we unify all "is {language} on-topic?" questions to one tag scheme.
Since there are, with my counting at least, 35 such questions if we were to make this a tag then it would have more questions than comments, broken-code, iterative-review and suggested-edits.
- discussionscope Are questions about LaTeX documents on-topic?
- discussionscopespecific-language Is [lolcode] reviewable?
- discussionscopetags Are [vhdl] questions on-topic for Code Review?
- discussionscopeasking-questions Are we allowed to ask questions about just regular expressions?
- discussionscopemarkdown Are questions to review markdown on-topic?
- discussionscopeimages Are Scratch questions okay on Code Review?
- discussionscopespecific-questionspecific-language Nothing to review
- discussionscope SQL Query Review
- discussionscope What are the conditions for asking a Wolfram Mathematica question here?
- discussionscope Are regex reviews allowed on this site?
- discussionscopeasking-questions Can I ask to review my ebuild or rpmspec file?
- discussionscope Is a BNF grammar for a language acceptable for review as concrete code?
- discussionscope Are Nix expressions without any logic on topic?
- discussionscopeasking-questions Is the review of vocabulary/ontology use (e.g., for HTML structured data) on-topic?
- discussionscope Is GraphQL Reviewable?
scope but specific-language seems incorrect.
- discussionscopesite-policy Why is pseudocode not allowed?
- discussion Are UML diagram reviews on-topic for CodeReview?
- discussionscopesite-policy Is pseudo-code alright when asking about performance?
- discussionscopespecific-questionprojects Is reviewing project structure on topic?
- discussionscopeasking-questions Questions about documentation
- discussionscopespecific-questionthird-party Code requiring a third-party pre-processor to make it work
- discussionscope Are reviews of protocols in scope here?
- discussionscope Are Git workflow questions on-topic?
- discussionscopespecific-question Can we review spreadsheet formulas?
- discussionscope Can I ask for feedback on an idea for a standard?
- discussionscopespecific-question CoreData or code-backed UML reviews
- discussionscope Can I post Excel formulas for review here?
- discussionscopeasking-questions Asking questions with UML diagrams instead of code
- discussionscope Can I request that someone look over my legal code?
- discussionscope Non-code formula spreadsheet
- discussionscope Transforming a similar concept into a code review
scope but is a collection of languages.
- discussionscopesite-policy Can graphical notation count as code or should questions with exclusively graphical notation be considered off topic?
- discussionsite-policyasking-questions What's the proper way to ask for database review?
- discussionscope Esoteric vs Golfed Code
- discussionscope Do configuration files constitute reviewable code?
Given the amount of this type of question I believe that they should be categorized together in some form. At the very least it would help me when I search for questions.
I asked in chat about making a new tag, say language-scope, and was recommended to instead use both scope and specific-language together. At first I thought this was a good idea. And since only these questions have been tagged that way it's feasible. However after collecting and grouping all of these type of question, that I know of, together I'm not sure it makes the most sense.
How should we tag these questions, with scopelanguage-scope or scopespecific-language?