I posted a question at the https://codereview.stackexchange.com and got the answer, what's now?
I can't find to respective guide, so this a question of appropriate processing of the question/answer at the site.
The answer could contain (not all of these took place in the answer to my question, but I tried to collect most common questions I could have tomorrow):
- Suggestions for changes in code which I agree with, but not sure I got correctly or could implement correctly, so I need the next code review revision. Should I create a new Code Review for it? If so, how should I name it (the same name + Version 2?)?
- Questions on the reasons for my design decisions. How should I answer to them, in form of comments?
- Wrong points of review because of my explicit statements in question were ignored or misunderstood. Should I stress this in form of comments or just ignore? The problem is that misunderstanding could have led whole code review in wrong way.
- Recommendations I don't understand. Should I ask for clarifications in form of comments?
- Recommendations I strongly disagree with. Should I ignore them and take this just a position of another person (two programmers is always three opinions) or can I start the argument in form of comments?
- Irrelevant recommendations which are closer to personal programming style. Should I just ignore to avoid holy wars?
It would be nice if there is some guide, FAQ or something like this for the https://codereview.stackexchange.com. I failed to find it, so asking for advice here. Could you please provide the link or recommend your way of handling things?