We've got plenty of Google on Code Review — enough to burn. But how much does Code Review appear on Google? This is an important question, because
- Google drives traffic to Stack Exchange
- ???
- Profit! (or Graduation!)
Out of curiosity, I searched for fizzbuzz
on Google. Were there any hits leading to Code Review?
Not within the first 30 pages.
We do know, however, that Google does index us frequently, and that we do appear on the first page if more distinctive words are added to the search, such as fizzbuzz brainfuck
What are some other search terms that successfully point to us? Examples:
Considering that the posts on Code Review is by nature less searchable than, say, Stack Overflow, should we make an effort to SEO our content?
What might be good search terms to try to target?
What techniques might help our rankings? Catchier titles? More systematic tagging? More descriptive text with each question? Answers or Tag Wikis that are so good that people will want to link to them? Some kind of promotion campaign?