"why are they 'questions' if this site is primarily for code review requests?"
This is not originally my question, but it never-the-less is still a good one that deserves more attention. I'm sort of new to the whole meta thing, so I'm not sure if this question is on topic, but it seems like it should be. At the very least it could vaguely be associated with the site's design, #5 in the FAQ.
We are a site that focuses on reviews, yet we are still using "questions". Now, I don't know if this is possible, but I believe changing allusions of "asking a question" to "requesting a review" would help distinguish ourselves and relieve some of the "inappropriate questions" we are getting. I don't know about other sections, but in PHP we are getting an increasing number of posts like: "help me fix this broken code". Now, I'm sure we wont ever be able to fully prevent posts like this, and I think some of this may actually be because we are not as harsh as SO in stamping it out, but removing the ambiguity might help.