I think this site needs a lot more work for it to become a good open-source code review platform. Otherwise, it will be blind-sided by something else soon enough!
My biggest bug bears are:
I think this site needs a lot more work for it to become a good open-source code review platform. Otherwise, it will be blind-sided by something else soon enough!
My biggest bug bears are:
I think this site needs a lot more work for it to become a good open-source code review platform.
Funny you mention, out of the 112 questions I have asked on this site, 26 are tagged rubberduck - an open-source project... and I'm not done yet.
I've seen a number of alternatives, and honestly, I doubt reddit or anything else is going to slow down CR's growth, which has been quite phenomenal over the course of the past two years. If something else is going to overtake CR, it hasn't seen the light of day yet.
Why would you need a jsfiddle when you can embed the code in a Stack Snippet and run it straight from the post, without a 3rd-party?
Use comments to ask for clarifications, or take it to chat. I tried very hard, but I can't come up with anything better than a dedicated chatroom to discuss things in details.
This is a Q&A site, not an IDE. I don't see the problem. Copy the code into your favorite IDE, use your favorite tool.
Dialog is really really hard.
I honestly mean no offense, but have you looked in the mirror? Your question is like a simple bullet point list with short sentences and a picture. It's like a slide from a presentation, where the speaker explains the listed key items in detail. (I wish all slides were like that!) But this is no slide and no presentation. It's really hard to understand what you're actually asking, and what you already know.
For example in terms of jsbin integration, it's unclear if you're aware of Stack Snippets, or if you have problems with it, what are they.
Your question about dialog was very unclear, even with the screenshot. I had no idea what to make of that screenshot, until I copy pasted your bullet point list in my answer, which revealed the title of the image:
Trying to have a discussion in the comments
A-ha! Perhaps you were trying to have a discussion, and were disappointed that there was no answer? That's hardly an issue with the framework, but human nature. Also note that this is a Q&A site and not a forum, and discussions in comments are explicitly discouraged. There's (a absolutely superb!) chat for that, and again, it's not clear if you're aware or not.
Returning to the issue of "dialog", I think that first you need to do a bit more at your end. We're constantly interested in improving our community, but we also need feature requests to have a good grasp of the existing features, and use them as a context for possible improvements, expressed in a bit more detail than one sentence per feature.