I think that there is a fine line between code completion and code optimization!
take this theoretical question:
For an assignation I have create this basic class:
class X
public int A(int ret)
return ret;
public int Y(int Z)
return this.Z(Z) * this.A(2);
public int Z(X)
return (X * 10);
Is there any minor adjustments that I can make to make the code smaller.
Now the above is a very basic sample question but can easily be answered, as long as the OP has completed to original code before hand I think the the we should be able to suggest ways to make the lighter and more stable.
Such As:
public int Y(int Z)
return (Z * 10) * 2;
//And remove the other methods.
When an answer is provided it is not only provided for the OP but for everyone who requires such answer and comes across the thread, therefore I think it would be OK to help improve code effectiveness, style, functionality but never to generate new code for the OP.