Yes, let's have a blog.
And here is why...
Code Review is different to (most) other StackExchange sites, and the ones it is similar to are the ones with good blogs.
My thoughts regarding naysayers on the point of content
The big difference with Code Review is in the content, and the way we go about producing that content.
Unlike sites like StackOverflow, ServerFault, etc - where (in theory) each question is an exemplar of an exact situation a developer (SO), network admin (SF), etc may find themselves in.. Code Review often has questions regarding a solution to the same problem (i.e. the beginner
problems, etc). We also accept iterations of questions for follow-up reviews. This is a totally different idea to sites like SO.
On SO, it is possible (for some questions) for a one-liner to be accepted as the answer. I don't think I've seen any (certainly not highly-voted) one-line code reviews.
Ergo, we have the content already (well mostly)
The content that makes a good review, could certainly much more easily be turned into a good blog article than good answers on other network sites.
Plus, the iterative and 'there is no one right answer' nature of a review lends itself to blogging as a (fairly) open-ended process.
This is paralleled in sites like WorldBuilding and SciFi where the discussion can go on open-endedly. It is not simply "this config file here" or "put a semi-colon there" (Okay I'm over-simplifying the Q&A process, but you get my point).
"But the existing bloggers say they won't have time"... et al
Yes, sure. There are busy people in our community, and writing a code review takes much less time than writing a good blog article. That doesn't automatically mean that nobody will contribute to the blog.