The question is whether it should be allowed for the OP to edit to include timings of answers to a code related to benchmarking. Currently, there is a moderator who doesn't like this for this question. I think it stems from these rules.
However, it seems to me that the rules are inappropriately applied here, or at least nonsensical. How are we supposed to know what the best benchmark is if the OP isn't allowed to add those results to his post? I mean, I can't run my code on his computer, so my timings don't mean as much unless I run all of the different codes (and languages) on my machine (and then it's not necessarily the same as OP's timings).
I am not asking for the OP to include the answer codes, just to be allowed to have a edit at the bottom where the latest benchmark numbers from the answers run on his/her machine can be posted so that way there is a reasonable way to measure between answers.