I've been following this question pretty closely, reading comments and everything because the "reasoning part" seemed... blog-ish.
By reading this answer and the comments under it + the way the reasoning is worded, it seems like the author wrote this question only to write the reasoning part, that has mostly nothing to do with the code to be reviewed itself and looks like a political speech regarding software development (the kind of thing I'd expect to read on a Medium post).
I've also flagged the author's answer as Not An Answer, because, let's be honest, it's not one. But my flag was disputed, I would like to know, if possible, what were the justifications behind this.
I still think the post has value, as in "There's code to be reviewed and the reviews are good" (I'm still uncertain as to if the OP was looking for a review at all, but let's assume good faith), but the main question is : Should something be done about the "reasoning" part, that brings no value to the post? Should it be edited out? On the side, I'm wondering why the answer I linked was flagged as "Looks OK", but it's less important I believe.
I just think that if posts like this were to get more frequent, Code Review would change for the worse.