Linked Questions

40 votes
19 answers

Frequently Posted Comments

On Code Review we often encounter questions with the same kind of problem over and over again. Some of us are using the auto comments script which allows you to maintain a list of comments to post. ...
12 votes
3 answers

Can you have an answer without any code in the question?

I was doing some reviewing earlier when I came across this question, which in my view doesn't have sufficient code to constitute a reviewable question. It essentially consists of a data structure <...
forsvarir's user avatar
  • 11.6k
10 votes
3 answers

Request to re-open "Find out relation between Devices…" question

I had sought out review for a question about some proprietary code that I am working on. The code in question retrieves information from a list of one-to-many mappings and seeks to build a ...
ValarMorghulis's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Made a code-review of broken code, but flagged it as well

I answered this question this morning on code review, mainly because I had the idea there were some things that could be good for a code review, however the code that was given wasn't working as ...
Icepickle's user avatar
  • 825
4 votes
3 answers

Preventing the ability to re-open off-topic questions by explaining how it's broken in an answer

Earlier this year I posted an answer to a question, saying that it's broken in a way that OP don't think, explaining it a bit, and then wrote a comment saying it's off-topic, and voted to close. ...
Peilonrayz's user avatar
  • 43.3k
24 votes
2 answers

How should we deal with askers fixing off-topic questions when an answer has been posted?

I did a quick search to see if this has been asked, but it didn't seem to be. The intent behind this question is from how this question was handled, but is not limited to it. The situation is an ...
Peilonrayz's user avatar
  • 43.3k
12 votes
2 answers

Should answers to clearly off-topic questions be encouraged or discouraged?

This question is clearly off-topic on Code Review. However, it did receive an answer which essentially points out the problem and makes some suggestions. The problem this potentially causes is that it ...
ChrisWue's user avatar
  • 20.3k
7 votes
2 answers

How should we handle answers on non-code questions?

Recently I've come across a question that didn't contain any code. The questioner instead asked for code, as some new users do. So far same business as usual, but a user went ahead and posted a ...
Zeta's user avatar
  • 19.3k
5 votes
2 answers

Should we allow answer invalidation for otherwise off-topic questions? [duplicate]

We recently had a question with un-compilable code. The question was answered and the answerer pointed out the broken code. The user has since edited the question to fix the code. It was rolled-back. ...
Summer's user avatar
  • 2,334
4 votes
2 answers

How to prevent people from answering off-topic questions?

Assume a person is asking about their broken code and someone suffering from FGITW-syndrome immediately answers it. Then maybe the answer and/or even the question gets upvoted. This completely ...
yuri's user avatar
  • 4,458
2 votes
2 answers

Answering questions in comments

On Code Review SE, users should avoid answering questions in comments, because that's not what comments are for: Do not provide suggestions for improvements in a comment, even if your suggestion ...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 4,490
1 vote
2 answers

What do we do with low-quality questions that already have answers?

This question is a terrific mess. The question itself seems to me clearly off-topic due to being a snippet and the OP graciously agreed in the comments; but in the meantime it has attracted answers of ...
Reinderien's user avatar