Questions tagged [asking-questions]

This tag is for questions specifically about the process of asking questions on Code Review; e.g. how to ask, whether specific questions are appropriate, etc.

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8 votes
1 answer

Where do high-level architecture and design questions go?

The FAQ states this: your question is not about … Higher-level architecture and design of software systems So, where should a high-level design question go?
MPelletier's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Are practical user-created languages suitable for a tag creation?

I recently created a language, and was wondering (As many others may be) if a user is allowed to create a tag for their language and post a few example questions. The following things should be ...
FreezePhoenix's user avatar
7 votes
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Design for a question about thread abortion and related process

I posted a question for Code Review, and other than a few comments, what I was told was that I should put actual code of the process and people were only interested in knowing that. What I really ...
Yahya's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

The Code Review/Programmers/Stack Overflow hot potato

I don't want to cross-post on all metas, so I chose Code Review. This is the current hot potato. So I'm starting to notice that questions are now getting kicked around between sites because each ...
moarboilerplate's user avatar
7 votes
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Requesting a comparative review of own code with third-party code

A user recently posted this question which-set-of-code-is-more-accurate where they ask for a comparative review between their code and code written by a third-party, hosted on GitHub. My question is ...
dfhwze's user avatar
  • 13.9k
7 votes
3 answers

Can I ask a question to review an FAQ written on a third-party site?

I wrote an FAQ on a third-party website related to Delphi and thread-protection of objects. I need some feedback if this content is adequate or not. I was wondering can I ask a question on Code Review ...
Jerry Dodge's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How should I include resources (images, videos, audio, etc) in questions?

I know my code doesn't have to be complete. However, in my specific case I have a project where I'd like to focus on performance improvements. Some optimizations are obvious, where others require ...
davidalayachew's user avatar
7 votes
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Given CR's question title policy, how to title a second question about the same program?

Originally asked in 2nd Monitor If we're asking a second CR question involving the same software, is it acceptable to give it nearly the same title? What is best practice for naming these questions?
user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

What to do about "It's asking for more details"?

For a while now we've had "Clippy", which among other things has support for detecting when there's a lot of code posted but not a lot of description. The feature is nice and comes with good ...
Simon Forsberg's user avatar
7 votes
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Do questions require specific problems, or are general reviews on-topic?

I have read; the Tour, What not to ask and How to ask a good question. I am unsure whether questions should specify specific problems, or if I should specify parts of the code where improvement is ...
CPlus's user avatar
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Is it okay to ask questions about algorithm help?

I have code that solves the "Traveling Salesman" problem using "Kruskal's algorithm" for a code competition site. The code run and generates the correct result, but has O(n3) complexity. I am not ...
Martin York's user avatar
7 votes
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Is it okay to ask which snippet is considered the most clean?

Is it on-topic to ask a question with two more or less equivalent snippets, and ask which of the two snippets is considered the most clean? The way I see it, there are four possible answers here: ...
Lstor's user avatar
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How do I properly write a question that involves third-party libraries?

I am preparing to submit a small OpenGL program for review. I've included some source files from this GitHub repo to handle some image stuff I don't want to deal with. I'm not asking for a review of ...
User319's user avatar
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Good question, but OP didn't know how to ask it?

In Calculating Julian dates, the author asks a question that doesn't make sense: Refactor this code so that I don't have to insert the parameters any time I need to use one of the functions. [....
200_success's user avatar
7 votes
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Asking for comparison of design of two code snippets giving same functionality

I had asked for the review of the part of a jQuery and as per the answer I made changes in the file. Now after making the changes (mainly moving from triggers to functions) I am not so sure whether I ...
Aseem Bansal's user avatar
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Are questions on design only requiring minimal code off topic?

I asked this question which someone has flagged as off topic, referencing a question that referred to pseudo code as a reason. My question is in regards to the overall design and not changes to how ...
Ross Drew's user avatar
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Good format to post code for review

I have a project that I used to try out in-memory databases. After fighting it for a few days, I'm code blind and need to have it reviewed. I haven't been on this particular site much (I'm well ...
Konrad Viltersten's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it okay to post a series of exercises massively?

This website seems particularly interesting for users working on a book (like SICP or K&R) or any other series of exercises (like ProjectEuler), especially if they're working on their own and ...
rahmu's user avatar
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6 votes
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How much context is the required minimum?

This question got sparked by a recent discussion in the 2nd Monitor about this question: Golang Map-Reduce Master - Channels. The problem is: How much context is needed to actually review the code in ...
hoffmale's user avatar
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How to get feedback over multiple solutions of a particular exercise of a book?

I am self studying C++ from Robert Lafore's OOP in C++. I am solving the exercise questions of chapter-3 loop and decisions. For the first question(say X) I've written three different codes using ...
user31782's user avatar
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Asking questions with UML diagrams instead of code [duplicate]

Can I ask a question with a UML class diagram instead of code? What about instead of some code? The kind of questions I'm interested in asking are about software architecture, not low-level coding ...
Aleksei Averchenko's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it okay to post questions that don't contain a full program/library?

For example, say I wanted to ask a question about memory efficiency regarding two versions of a structure I have in a specific language, but I'm only concerned about that one section of the program. ...
Braden Best's user avatar
6 votes
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Asking questions on evolved code

Sometimes I have a question on a specific class, piece of code, etc. I post the code, get some feedback and make changes as I see necessary. I then may add extra features to the code and it continues ...
TheLethalCoder's user avatar
6 votes
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Put on-hold and off topic 2 time

I have a question about my Code Review Stack Exchange post: Driver for Sensor payload Decoder I have been trying to get some suggestions on the code which I have written after learning about drivers. ...
Hemanth's user avatar
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Is asking a question about doing something a different way on topic here?

I recently asked a question on StackOverflow and eventually ended up self answering it. The solution I came up with is, in my eyes, a bit of a hack. Is a question ...
TheLethalCoder's user avatar
6 votes
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How can I improve this question?

I'm referring to this question: SQL-Server Merge Statement with .NET DataTable I've given it a couple days to see what happened after I asked it initially. There's been very little traffic, no votes ...
Michael McGriff's user avatar
6 votes
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Codeblock detection

The idea jumped at me after reviewing two close votes in a row (granted, from the same user) that were homework assignments without any code in it. Since a question that has no code in it (or one ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
6 votes
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Are questions that ask *not* to offer readability/style/structure advice, on topic? [duplicate]

The question in question: A platform-independent implementation of "which" in Ruby The OP has rather specifically asked that people not talk about how to improve the readability of the code ...
cHao's user avatar
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Multiple related question titles

I am creating a programming language, Linny, and have asked two questions (First Question Here, Second Question Here). As I continue to improve the language, I intend on asking more questions to ...
Linny's user avatar
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How about including a small amount of example code in a large framework?

I am about to upload a fairly large project of mine, a very flexible component-entity-system. More precisely it's a framework for a CES. It consists of 22 files, ~1000 lines of code and 20000 ...
MatrixAndrew's user avatar
5 votes
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Review one-by-one feature?

I am writing a library. It is mostly ready, but there are known bugs and ToDo stuff (including for example missing const specifiers for member functions which do ...
porton's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Should Code Review improve the new-question Title hint?

I would like to suggest a UX improvement for new users, so they're less likely to encounter edits / pushback from mods. 1. Summarize the problem Code Review posters are typically new users. ...
J_H's user avatar
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Is a question mostly pertaining to build configuration appropriate for this site?

I'm currently creating a somewhat complex Maven project (specifically, to automate this answer), and hence would like to submit it for review here - specifically, the POM and the general structure of ...
mikołak's user avatar
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What makes a CSS question opinion based or not?

Since CSS is about the aesthetical layout of a web page, I guess it's easy to ask opinion based questions. I guess that asking about reusability of some CSS code would not be opinion-based. On the ...
Enlico's user avatar
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How to deal with homework questions without question? [duplicate]

The question in question (no pun intended): Cutting stock recursion OP basically dumped the problem definition and a solution on us. There is no indication to if the code actually works, it is ...
Emily L.'s user avatar
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5 votes
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How should really big code challenge submissions be reviewed? [duplicate]

As far as I am aware, a question consisting of a really big codebase is generally off-topic here, as our answerers are simply not able to put so much effort in it. I'd like to talk about a special ...
skiwi's user avatar
  • 10.7k
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Questions about speed/memory comparisons

This question should be considered as an expansion discussion on the policy discussed in Should comparisons of code snippets be closed as "not seeking a code review"? For comparative ...
nhgrif's user avatar
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Is a question on topic if the code works locally but errors when submitted to a coding site? [duplicate]

This is about a recently posted question: Codejam 2018 - Getting confusing runtime error The OP claims it works for him locally, but generates a Runtime Error on the Google Code Jam website itself. ...
alecxe's user avatar
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Testing box when asking questions

Would it be possible to have an overt request, perhaps even in its own box, that the Asker provide information about their testing process. Obviously wording up for dispute, but something like: "How ...
Josiah's user avatar
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How can I improve this question about asyncio?

I recently asked this question on Code Review which was ill-received and got 4 close votes for being off-topic. I believe the main problem to be that I used a dummy function for a third party API ...
magu_'s user avatar
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How to get more attention to my question? [duplicate]

Let me start off by saying I have already read: How can I make my question get more attention? Because of reading that I have edited my question using the linked post to include more description etc. ...
TheLethalCoder's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is it appropriate to ask for review on an entire GitHub repo?

I have a Python application that I created a while back and I'm hoping to have someone with more Python experience than me look over the entire project and let me know if both the structure of the ...
Abe Miessler's user avatar
4 votes
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How many questions with same script can I ask, if code not only merged reviews but adds new functionality [duplicate]

How many questions with same script can I ask, if code not only merged reviews but adds new functionality? Can I submit part of code(fully working part with new code) together with full code or ...
LeonidMew's user avatar
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Should I ask a separate question?

This examples applies for web mainly, but could apply for other stuff also. Let's say I develop a web plugin that has both JavaScript code and CSS. Should I post one question to review the ...
Hugo Dozois's user avatar
4 votes
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Why did a question about unit-testing get migrated?

I'm curious as to why this question got migrated to Stack Overflow, mostly so I can ask in the correct place in the future. It's about unit testing a functioning python module, the unit tests all ...
user3610360's user avatar
4 votes
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Non-HTTPS, wrong hostname links in sidebar

The sidebar on links to Visiting this ...
l0b0's user avatar
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"How To Ask" text should link to help center, not faq

Similar to my question here, Code Review's "How To Ask" text should link to the help center, rather than the FAQ: Interestingly, CR's Meta seems to be more up to date than SO's:
p.s.w.g's user avatar
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How should I ask this big question?

I am currently working on one of my first projects with Python and my first project with PyQT. I would like to post this as a question, to see if there are any improvements I can make. The project is ...
JAD's user avatar
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What does a piece of code need to satisfy to be a "real project" by itself?

Currently, the FAQ provides the following guidelines: Code Review - Stack Exchange is for sharing code from projects you are working on for peer review. You should only ask practical, answerable ...
Komi Golov's user avatar
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Can I ask about my CloudFormation infrastructure template?

I have a template for some infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation that I'd like reviewed. However, I'm not sure if it's on-topic here; it's YAML that's describing infrastructure, not a program per se....
DylanSp's user avatar
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