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Questions tagged [bounty]

A bounty is a way to get additional attention for a question by offering some of your own reputation for great answers.

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5 votes
2 answers

Offering a Bounty for a long unanswered question; is it good practice?

Thank ye all for your patience and understanding in advance. Posted a Code Review question 4 years ago and it has never received an answer review, so thinking about offering a bounty for it. Is this ...
MadHatter's user avatar
  • 855
5 votes
0 answers

Bounty Award Procedure may be Unclear

Actually, it was unclear, at least to me. But perhaps it is perfectly clear to others. Irrelevant background: Of the resulting 3 answers, I felt two were good (together they'd be great); the third ...
AJNeufeld's user avatar
  • 34k
7 votes
1 answer

Even after I deleted an answer on my own question, the bounty required is still 100

I recently posted this question about a brainfuck interpreter in ANSI C. I answered my own question, but then realized that my answer was invalid, so I removed it. I then wanted to add a bounty to ...
S.S. Anne's user avatar
  • 1,725
6 votes
3 answers

Should I award bounties if an answer would receive half anyway?

I recently asked a relatively well received question which was not getting any answers. I placed a bounty in order to get some more attention. Finally I received one answer within the bounty period. ...
Greedo's user avatar
  • 2,595
2 votes
1 answer

Why can't I create a 50 rep bounty?

I want to make a bounty on a question and I have seen some questions currently with a 50 rep bounty, but the only option available to me is a 100 rep bounty. I was wondering why.
13ros27's user avatar
  • 390
35 votes
4 answers

CODE REVIEW 2017 Challenge

I want to introduce the Community Oriented Development Extravaganza, Requiring Extreme Vigor Inciting Extraordinary Winners (or CODE REVIEW) 2017 Challenge. Traditionally our Community Challenges are ...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Vote to close bounty question - example code A module + test could look something like this: ...
Pimgd's user avatar
  • 22.3k
4 votes
1 answer

Offering bounty on own question and accepting own answer?

My question: Yet Another Java GUI Calculator I'm thinking of offering a bounty to see if I can attract any answers for my "specific feedback", and unless there are any dark horse answers during the 7-...
h.j.k.'s user avatar
  • 19.2k
14 votes
4 answers

Bounties do not seem to achieve the desired effect

I think that the Bounty system is not working correctly on our site and needs a solution for it. The issue I am seeing is that questions with a bounty on it barely get any extra attention, while they ...
skiwi's user avatar
  • 10.6k
8 votes
1 answer

Is it fair to close a question with a bounty attached to it

This question does not have working code but has a bounty attached, and only needs minor polishing to make the code work. Should the question be closed or not? The author has been informed since a ...
konijn's user avatar
  • 33.8k
5 votes
1 answer

Why haven't I received my rep back after a bounty?

I posted a bounty on a question and received no answers within a week. The bounty ended, but I still have 66 rep. Why is this? It says in the Bounty Part of the FAQ that: If you do not award your ...
Liam McInroy's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

No replies and expiring bounty

I currently have a question up here: Optimizing Python Image Viewer and General Code Format Advise. Currently there are no answers, and the faq states "In any case, you will always give up the amount ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 236
6 votes
1 answer

There's a question offering +100 reputation, but the user doesn't have this amount of reputation

Is this a bug? or is this entirely possible?
Keith Nicholas's user avatar