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Questions tagged [fun]

Reviewing code is fun! Use this tag for anything that suggests adding a new layer of gamification to the site.

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33 votes
5 answers

Let the CR Games begin!

June is about to end. Summer's here (well, if you're in the northern hemisphere, that is.. otherwise, ... yay, winter!), and with it, vacations. We need a new community-challenge. Let's play. I mean, ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

Code-Challenge #2

(what's this all about?) Post-Mortem In February 2014, we rebooted weekend-challenge and created a code-challenge tag. Here are some stats (as of 2014-03-02): First entry was posted on 2014-02-02 (14 ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
89 votes
35 answers

What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

What is a Zombie? Why are Code Reviewers so violent and talking about killing Zombies all the time? And what ammo are they talking about? What is a TS? What does RSA mean? And what other Code Review-...
23 votes
3 answers

Weekend-Challenge Reboot

In December 2013 we held a bunch of weekly weekend-challenge events, which was fun, and generated posts that made it to the site's newsletter, week after week. One may want to tweak this query so as ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Best of Code Review 2013 — Thousand Words category

Please post your nominations for Best of Code Review 2013 — Thousand Words category: Most effective use of images in a question or answer. In your nomination post, be sure to include a link to the ...
4 votes
2 answers

Best of Code Review 2013 — Not As Easy As It Looks category

Please post your nominations for Best of Code Review 2013 — Not As Easy As It Looks category: Question that superficially appears simple but turns out to be more difficult than expected. In your ...
3 votes
3 answers

Best of Code Review 2013 — Gordian Knot Untied category

Please post your nominations for Best of Code Review 2013 — Gordian Knot Untied category: Most justified advice in an answer for taking a completely different approach from the code in the original ...
5 votes
3 answers

Best of Code Review 2013 — Diplomat category

Please post your nominations for Best of Code Review 2013 — Diplomat category: Tough advice in an answer, delivered in the most tactful manner. In your nomination post, be sure to include a link to ...
2 votes
5 answers

Best of Code Review 2013 — Night and Day category

Please post your nominations for Best of Code Review 2013 — Night and Day category: The most dramatic improvement. In your nomination post, be sure to include a link to the answer, as well as a short ...
3 votes
4 answers

Best of Code Review 2013 — Exterminator category

Please post your nominations for Best of Code Review 2013 — Exterminator category: Answer that points out the most interesting obscure bug in the original code. In your nomination post, be sure to ...
4 votes
1 answer

Weekend Challenge #6

One single proposal per answer, most upvoted as of 2014-01-04 (12:00AM UTC) becomes our next challenge! The winning entry shall be marked as the accepted answer. Oddly the system is starting to ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Weekend Challenge #5

One single proposal per answer, most upvoted as of 2013-12-28 (12:00AM UTC) becomes our next challenge! The winning entry shall be marked as the accepted answer. This one is a little special. Let's ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
19 votes
13 answers

Best of Code Review 2013

As this 3rd beta-year comes to an end, we would like to host an event: The Best of Code Review 2013. All Code Review users will be invited to nominate (link to) the best questions and answers from ...
6 votes
4 answers

Weekend Challenge #4

One single proposal per answer, most upvoted as of 2013-12-21 (12:00AM UTC) becomes our next challenge! The winning entry shall be marked as the accepted answer. index | previous challenge | next ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Weekend Challenge #3

One single proposal per answer, most upvoted as of 2013-12-14 (12:00AM UTC) becomes our next challenge! The winning entry shall be marked as the accepted answer. index | previous challenge | next ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Weekend Challenge #2

One single proposal per answer, most upvoted as of 2013-12-07 (12:00AM UTC) becomes our next challenge! The winning entry shall be marked as the accepted answer. index | next challenge
Simon Forsberg's user avatar
22 votes
7 answers

CR Weekend Challenge

Those of you that weren't following what's going on in the chat room might have been taken by surprise by a recent avalanche of Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock posts. This is how it started: OK, ...
10 votes
3 answers

Should we sign up for Winter Bash 2013?

Is Winter Bash happening in Code Review? Many beta sites are going to participate in Winter Bash (AV.SE and Movies.SE site's moderators are receiving email from Stack Exchange). Have any of CR's ...
Anirban Nag 'tintinmj''s user avatar