I have subject matter expertise in the [Crypto++ library](http://www.cryptopp.com/). I'd like to set up email notifications for the library.

I noticed the site does not have tags for the library. Is it OK to set up tags in advance for email notifications?

(Related, there may be [a question][1] arriving from Stack Overflow.)


In case this should be a feature request, here are the specs:

* Tag: [tag:crypto++]
* Synonym: [tag:cryptopp]

The library's proper name is Crypto++, hence the [tag:crypto++] tag. But many distributions provide a name of [tag:cryptopp] (perhaps for file system friendliness), so questions sometimes have that tag too. We use the same on Stack Overflow.

[1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25972135/encryption-using-many-algorthims-within-crypto