I seem to notice while browsing the questions list that there always seems to be a question or two containing some reason (almost always broken code) for it to be put on hold. From the last hour as of this post, [here][1] and [here][2] are the two latest such questions. While the moderators do a very good job of putting these questions on hold within 10 minutes or so, it seems like a problem that could be prevented before it is allowed to take effect.

Since they are almost always new users posting these questions, I would suggest some sort of message in the sign-up process, or a one time mandatory page to read explicitly telling users that this is NOT the place for fixing code (perhaps directing them to SO instead). Thoughts?

  [1]: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/104362/recrusive-dynamic-fibonacci-help-w-hashmap
  [2]: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/104366/code-wont-allow-input