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9 votes

Code following bulleted list not formatting

This is kind-of working as intended. What you observe, is the code being taken as a point in the bulleted list. If you want this, add another 4 spaces of indentation and the code will be formatted ...
Mast's user avatar
  • 13.4k
8 votes

How should question bodies be organized?

Honestly, as long as it's all there, I don't mind the order of things. Especially if headers or other methods of formatting are properly used to keep it all tidy. Questions should contain a problem ...
Mast's user avatar
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6 votes

Should complexity formatted as code be updated to use MathJax?

Why not? Especially if there's more to edit than just a single instance of O(n)... I presume screen readers treat MathJax differently than inline code, too. I ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
5 votes

Can I edit parts of the code blocks that aren't part of the code itself?

If you're absolutely sure it's a copy-paste error (because you've reproduced the output, for example), feel free to fix it. If there's any doubt whatsoever, don't. It's very important the output ...
Mast's user avatar
  • 13.4k
3 votes

Code block is required, but the programming language is purely graphical

I copied the code that you have in this question into the main question. It worked fine, with no problems for me. I can't say what the problem is, as it worked without me changing anything. The only ...
Peilonrayz's user avatar
  • 43.4k
3 votes

Can I edit parts of the code blocks that aren't part of the code itself?

Yes, absolutely! In this case, it is not the author's code doing that output, but Matlab. In this specific case the output is just to show the values of the variables, and I'd also say that edits to ...
Simon Forsberg's user avatar

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