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14 votes

What is the purpose of this weird duck?

It's serious. It's about Rubber Duck Problem Solving. The majority of questions asked on Stack Exchange can be solved using a rubber duck, without ever posting a question, potentially saving a large ...
janos's user avatar
  • 112k
12 votes

Even after I deleted an answer on my own question, the bounty required is still 100

The help center has the following note about bounties: To avoid overly promotional bounties, if you are offering a bounty on a question that you have already posted an answer to, your minimum ...
rolfl's user avatar
  • 97.5k
9 votes

How has an on-hold question been answered?

There's a window of 4 hours (often referred to as "grace period") after a question being closed in which answers can still be posted. The "Post Your Answer" button and the box in which to type your ...
Mast's user avatar
  • 13.5k
9 votes

Where's the auto-move-to-chat link?

This is mostly just a misunderstanding in how the move to chat link works. It's not so simple as merely "lots of comments on a post". That comment chain was essentially one person leaving ...
Catija's user avatar
  • 101
9 votes

Code following bulleted list not formatting

This is kind-of working as intended. What you observe, is the code being taken as a point in the bulleted list. If you want this, add another 4 spaces of indentation and the code will be formatted ...
Mast's user avatar
  • 13.5k
7 votes

Clojure tag not sorting first

There is no special attribute about tags that make them 'language' tags. Tags are sorted on the number of questions that have that tag, so if some non-language tag has more questions tagged with it, ...
rolfl's user avatar
  • 97.5k
6 votes

I think there is a bug with the duck thingy

It's not a bug, it's a feature! See a duplicate question on the network-wide meta site Short version is: It's not really listening. It's just an animation.
Simon Forsberg's user avatar
6 votes

Syntax highlighting for vba just changed

code-prettify works by adding <span class="..."> elements into the prettified code with classes for different syntax elements. The supported elements for <...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
5 votes

How do I migrate from Code Review to Stack Overflow?

Please note that not every question about non-working code on Code Review would be a good question on Stack Overflow. In fact, there are very few questions, which are closed with the "non-working ...
Simon Forsberg's user avatar
5 votes

Nav bar? Where are you?

This is by design, the floating nav bar is only on Stack Overflow, I checked other sites on the Stack Exchange network and they all have the same behavior (nav bar locked on top of page, not floating)....
Phrancis's user avatar
  • 20.4k
5 votes

Why can't I create a 50 rep bounty?

If you've already given a +50 bounty on a question, the way the system works is that you're allowed to put up more bounties on the same question, but they need to be double the amount of rep of the ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
4 votes

Favorite categories - not all favorite tag questions are colored

When searching for specific questions containing, say, python I don't have all of the questions colored. That's exactly the problem. As @Vogel612 correctly states in a comment, if all questions in ...
Simon Forsberg's user avatar
3 votes

python-3.x tag does not pass lang-py to code-prettify

On Code Review, when you ask a Python question that only works in one of the versions, Python 3, then you should tag it with both the language tag python and the version tag python-3.x. One ...
Peilonrayz's user avatar
  • 43.5k
2 votes

I think there is a bug with the duck thingy

It's a feature. The duck does not require a microphone to function. It works perfectly well with or without it. Do give it a try! The choice is offered to give the illusion of control.
janos's user avatar
  • 112k
2 votes

I think there is a bug with the duck thingy

Some may consider it a feature, but I kinda thought it was a bug. If you want the duck gone. I mean really gone, not just until you refresh the page. There are instructions here.
Stephen Rauch's user avatar

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