#Sudoku solver
Sudoku solver
Please tag submissions with sudoku.
Given a Sudoku puzzle as input, find its solution (or determine that it is unsolvable or ambiguous).
The program must take as input a puzzle in the form of a 9×9 grid of digits and dots (the dots representing blank squares in the puzzle). For example:
The program must determine which of the following cases applies:
- The puzzle is unsolvable: it has no solution.
- The puzzle has exactly one solution.
- The puzzle is ambiguous: it has two or more solutions.
In case #2, it must output the solution in the form of a 9×9 grid of digits. In the example above, there is exactly one solution:
Discussion about whether multi-solution puzzles are in fact Sudoku puzzles
(edit by rolfl)
Since I originally suggested a Sudoku solver, perhaps I can explain my motivation for this. I have (occasionally) come across sudoku puzzles I cannot solve, for one reason or another. One application for the solution of this challenge, is to be able to, as a regular sudoku player, 'capture' the puzzle, and prove that my failure to solve is in fact my fault, and not the puzzle-setter's.
I fully intend to participate in this W-E Challenge (hopefully with my son), and the result of our work will hopefully enable us to (perhaps not on the first submission):
- capture an initial puzzle (and perhaps later also a partially completed puzzle)
- say whether there is an actual solution, and only one
- identify any inconsistencies in the puzzle (did we make a mistake somewhere?)
- suggest a potential 'move' that will assist in a solution (a 'hint' - X-Wing, Swordfish, etc.)
- brute-force the puzzle to get the solution if we 'give up' on a puzzle.
The final product will allow us to easily 'capture' a (perhaps partially completed) puzzle, and choose what sort of assistance we want.
These are the ideas that were drifting through my mind when I suggested this as a W-E topic, but I thought the first order of business was probably just a brute-force solution, which would knock 3 of the 5 requirements off the list.