I have code that is about 1000 lines long (and growing, as some features are not yet implemented and some edge cases unhandled), so posting it here likely would overwhelm people, even if it would be bountied.
What would be a good strategy? Extract some function that is especially likely to be improvable? And link the entire code. And once processed - maybe ask again to help with another code segment?
Rewrite it to remove functionality and reduce length? And later use review suggestions in the real project?
Or is 1500 or 2000 lines script still reasonable? Maybe it would be better to post it in parts with individual functions for review?
Maybe try with entire one in the faint hope of someone helping and once that fails post smaller segments? In the reverse order?
I found Is it appropriate to post 1k+ lines of code? - but given that it was posted 9 years ago maybe community has changed opinion a bit.
and//wait, why [0] is needed here