Let's check the edit diff and see what it's about:
title diff
+ Type safe, easy to understand matrix multiplication
- Here is a type safe, easy to understand matrix multiplication. Is it correct? Is it actually as type safe as I think?
The questions in the title are too much text to be displayed correctly on the front page. They also do not make your question title more indicative of what the question is about.
These are questions that should generally be formulated in the question body, because they are specific concerns.
body diff
+ ### Data.Nat
- *`Data.Nat`*
+ ### Data.Vector
- *`Data.Vector`*
+ ### Data.Matrix
- *`Data.Matrix`*
These changes are accessibility changes. As of the original post body, these pseudoheadings were bold monospaced
With the edit, they are level 3 headings. That has some advantages. For one, headings are often converted to fragment addresses (on SE that is not the case yet). Furthermore they are handled differently by screen readers.
Lastly they are semantically more correct and additionally they are automatically bold.
Assuming you really liked the monospaced look, you can improve upon the original edit, by explicitly marking the heading text as monospaced like this:
### `Data.Nat`
Now to your questions:
I see a post as a synergetic entity; one cannot just edit one part of it and disregard the way it plays against the rest.
True, but this edit is hardly worth mentioning, IMO. It significantly improves the question presentation on the front page and slightly improves the presentation on the question page, without even touching most of the post.
This edit thus harms me.
If that is what you truly feel, then you should roll the edit back. As you correctly note in the question comments here on meta, rollback wars are not something you want to get into, though.
I consider the changes to be minimal and very noninvasive.
Was it indeed necessary for the moderator to apply the edit?
I'm pretty sure that the moderator only acted in their capacity as a user here. As such the question should be "was it necessary for a user to apply the edit".
I'd say: Yes. It significantly improves the question title and on the way also fixes some minor problems in the post body.
Is it not objectionable by a mere user?
Why would it not be? I mean it's a pretty clear-cut good edit, insofar as that it accomplishes the goals defined in the editing guidelines.
To what extent is a question I pose mine, and to what extent it belongs to a highly reputable passer-by?
hmm ... to some and to some. The question itself is yours, but SE explicitly encourages other users to improve your question. Whether that entails spelling, formulation updates or other improvements to the question structure.
I am not willing to post questions only for them to be trimmed to an informal standard. I am a person.
There is a pretty formal standard. I'll link to it again, just in case: Editing Privilege Explanations.
Yes. You're a person. You're not your post. An edit to your post is not an edit to your person.