A struct within a class, and this is the edit history: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/60534/revisions
The original code include this method:
public bool AddStudent(string name, int age, string grade)
// To do something
None of the code in the snippet provided uses this method. The plain-English part of the code makes no mention of this method.
Moreover, per the help center, comments in the place where executable code belongs makes questions off-topic.
As far as I can tell, including this method makes the question off-topic. With its removal, the question is a little closer to being on-topic (though it lacks some context making it unclear).
In this specific case, removing isn't enough to make the question on-topic. However, in other cases, potentially removing a method like this could make the difference in a question being on or off topic. As such, is it okay to remove methods like this from questions?
This question presumes that the code being removed makes the question off-topic (per the example/pseudo code rule--not the broken code rule), and that the method being removed is not referenced either by the included code snippets or the asker's plain-English part of the question.