The test tag was created very recently under its first question:
Based on the title alone, well... the code within is meant to be test code. However, I feel that the tag name is a bit ambiguous. Could the name also refer to unit-testing? What about the process of testing?
On Stack Overflow, the two top tags under a search for "test" are unit-testing and testing. However, this may be where CR and SO handle test code differently (fixing versus reviewing), thus possibly not a good comparison. But I wanted to make it anyway since SO is our "big sister" or what have you.
So, my question is: should this tag be renamed (new tag created while letting this one die)? That is, should it more accurately work with that question, if the tag is still needed?
You may also consider whether or not it's superfluous, assuming that test code doesn't necessarily warrant its own category here.
on Code Review, 15 questions have been tagged.testing
on the other hand has no questions, so I don't think it exists in the wild here on Code Review \$\endgroup\$