Following Mat's resignation as moderator yesterday, I, too, have informed the Stack Exchange community that I am yielding my position as moderator.
I know that it may be natural for many of you to speculate that there is some kind of crisis with the moderation team on Code Review. I'd like to assure you that quite the opposite is true.
As per Stack Exchange policy, moderators, once elected, may serve for life. I have no intention to hold on to my position for nearly that long. I don't want to become synonymous with the site, and I want to make sure that the community stays healthy without becoming dependent on me. In fact, I did state in my campaign questionnaire that I would aim to be more like George Washington than Lee Kuan Yew. Mat's resignation has simply reminded me that — if I include my time as pro tem moderator — I will soon have served two terms over a total of four years. That's a long time already. Mat's resignation simply provided a convenient opportunity to trigger some election excitement!
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with my fellow moderators. I'd like to thank…
- @Jamal for single-handedly raising the standard of quality for questions on this site, by editing nearly all of them into shape. He has also closed many hopelessly bad questions before many of us become aware of their existence!
- @rolfl for his guidance in handling tough moderation situations, and for the sacrifices he made to help push this site towards graduation.
- @Mat for making this a vibrant, successful community, and for helping me deal with the C# questions that I couldn't make sense of.
- @Simon for making @Duga, which has helped to prevent so many of the moderation messes that we used to have as a result of inappropriate referrals from Stack Overflow and answer-invalidating edits to questions.
- @janos for handling an extraordinary number of moderator flags with efficiency, consistency, and fairness.
Most of all, I'd like to thank the Code Review community for their confidence that they have given me during some tense situations. Moderators inevitably get involved in conflicts sometimes, and it's reassuring when I see other members supporting my decisions.
I'll be looking forward to taking a break from moderating, and seeing some fresh faces take a turn at leading the community. I do have 1595 days of consecutive visits, though, and I don't think I'd like to end that record anytime soon.