I am kind of new to Code Review SE (I only have two questions), and am trying to understand the site. I recently came across this question with three downvotes.
For the most part, It seems that it is on topic, but the general consensus is that the OP is using really bad practices.
Now, my first question has four upvotes. The code, as was pointed out by the answers use some poor practices.
Now there must be some difference between my question and the first one. What did I do right that the other person did wring. All I saw( form a quick glance) was the the OP was using poor C++ practices. However, since my questions used bad practices, I am having trouble understanding whats right and wrong
I am not asking for anyone to go on a downvote rampage on my question. I am simple interested in what I did right as opposed to the other person so I can keep a high question quality on this site.